Fire Island Plumbing is committed to revitalizing Long Island’s Great South Bay:
Nitrogen comes from human waste and is harmful to the marshes, sea grass, and other natural barriers which aid our storm resiliency. A large percentage of nitrogen pollution in the bay comes from failing septic systems that seep into groundwater and the pollutants end up eventually in surface water. Ocean Beach is the only residential area on Fire Island with a sewer district and waste water treatment facility which helps prevent the flow of nitrogen and other pollutants from going into the bay and ground water supplies. Homes that are unable to connect to sewer lines must install septic systems that prevent pollutants leaching into our waters.
Corey Cronin grew up boating, clamming, and swimming in the bay on the South Shore of Long Island and is passionate about protecting our sea shore and safeguarding our water front communities. As a Suffolk County licensed septic company, Fire Island Plumbing is committed to installing safe and durable residential equipment that is safe for our beach front community and the Great South Bay.